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Amazon Knows What You Want Before You Buy It


Amazon Knows What You Want Before You Buy It

Anticipatory shipping may be the closest that retail can come to mindreading.

Amazon knows where people live, what credit cards they use, how old their children are, and even if they are pregnant, and the company uses this information to ship products to customers before they even know they want them.

Amazon is working on a plan that would allow it to ship products to customers before they even know they want them. The company is calling this new service "anticipatory shipping," and it is based on the idea that Amazon knows its customers better than they know themselves.

Amazon has a vast amount of data on its customers, including their purchase history, browsing history, and even their social media activity. The company uses this data to create a profile of each customer, which includes their likes, dislikes, and even their future needs.

With anticipatory shipping, Amazon will use this data to predict what products customers are likely to want in the future and ship those products to them before they even know they want them. The company believes that this service will save customers time and money, and it will also help Amazon increase its sales.

Anticipatory shipping is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the retail industry. If Amazon is successful in implementing this service, it will be the closest that retail can come to mindreading.

